Palestine's COVID-19 Surveillance System

In response to the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus in Palestine, PNIPH collaborated with the Ministry of Health and the DHIS2 country team to develop the national Covid-19 surveillance system based on the existing open-source DHIS2 software. The system reflects the WHO case definition and reporting form, in addition to the Palestinian case management criteria and workflow. The system is capable of generating indicators at the output and outcome levels, and allows heath workers to track information at the patient level.

PNIPH and the MoH also developed a public-facing website that provides information and indicators on COVID-19 in Palestine based on data from the system. All information on the public facing website is available in both English and Arabic.


The system collects case based information, including, but not limited to, source and method of infection, co-morbidity and underlying health conditions, exposure and travel prior to the onset of symptoms, and health outcomes. The system addresses four case management flows:

  • Case reporting for COVID-19 suspected and confirmed cases
  • Documenting cases of quarantine (home/institutional) and monitoring the patient’s health status each day over a 14-day period (according to the form approved by the MoH and recommended by the WHO)
  • Hospital isolation cases
  • Laboratory test cases

PNIPH supports the MoH in the analysis of data from the system. PNIPH will continue to update and adjust the system to benefit the health sector and support the government in its efforts to address the healh crisis.  The institute will continue assessing functionalities of the platform, adding indicators as needed.

MoH Public Website

Make sure to visit the MoH COVID-19 Surveillance website to find more statistics related to Covid-19 pandemic in Palestine.

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