PNIPH provides policy briefs to the Ministry of Health and other key stakeholders based on evidence produced by research and e-Registries. These data-driven briefs aim to catalyze policy dialogues concerning public health in Palestine. Every policy brief produced identifies a specific health issue, utilizing available evidence to describe public health issues and their policy implications and recommendations to inform decision makers.
Policy briefs and dialogues
Policy Briefs - Reports - Publications

Accessibility of Essential Healthcare Services During COVID-19 in Palestine
Feb 2021: The outbreak of COVID-19 in Palestine has placed unprecedented demands on the national health system. Most Ministry of Health (MoH) facilities and health workers are occupied with efforts to control and manage ...

Improving Maternal Health: Strengthening Country Capacity on Maternal Death Surveillance & Response
Dec 2020: Reducing maternal mortality is both a global and national priority, requiring significant progress to reach the UN Sustainable Development Goal of a global reduction to less than 70 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births by 2030.

Moving towards nationalization of health services in Palestine
June 2020: Institutionalizing the division of health services among providers: Moving towards nationalization of health services in Palestine. The Palestinian government has decided to nationalize health services in an effort to reduce dependency on other countries for medical referrals and alleviate the resulting financial burden ...

Improving the Completeness and Accuracy of the Primary Health Care Death Registry for Infant Deaths and Stillbirths
Juy 2020: Infant mortality rate is a key public health indicator, reflecting the overall health of the population as well as the social, economic, and environmental conditions under which children and their communities live ...

Patient satisfaction with services provided during COVID-19 quarantine
Nov 2020: In July 2020, the Palestinian National Institute of Public Health (PNIPH) in partnership with the Ministry of Health (MoH) conducted a cross-sectional study on the perceived quality of services in quarantine/isolation centers.

Stigma associated with COVID-19 infection in Palestine
Juy 2020: On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) as aglobal health emergency. On March 11, 2020, with the rapid escalation in the number of cases, WHO announced COVID-19 as ...

Malnutrition in the Jordan Valley
Jan 2017: Children aged 1-12 living in the Jordan Valley experience high rates of anemia. Existing policies are proving to be inadequate and need to be revised to tackle the issue.

Strengthening the Cause of Death Registry in Palestine
Jan 2015: Mortality statistics are widely used for medical research, monitoring trends in public health, and the planning and evaluation of health care. It is vital to ensure a high degree of accuracy of data in the death registry.