Success Stories
PNIPH's mission is to improve public health and wellbeing among Palestinians by using information for action to provide support to relevant Ministries and stakeholders. Having a positive impact encourages PNIPH to go above and beyond to continue its efforts to improving health. Below are success stories from the work PNIPH has implemented and its impact on public health.

Tracking COVID-19: Palestine's Leadership
in Developing Electronic Health Registries
One of PNIPH’s core objectives is to support evidence-based decision making related to public health by improving electronic health registries as effective tools to support evidence-based decision making. Using the DHIS2 platform, the MoH and PNIPH have gained extensive experience building and implementing e-Registries in a number of key health areas.
Following the outbreak of COVID-19 in Palestine, the DHIS2 country team leveraged its local capacity and expertise to quickly develop the National COVID-19 Surveillance System. The system helps the MoH to track cases and analyze information to inform contrainment and response policies.

January 2020: Using Electronic Data Systems to Improve
Maternal and Child Health in Palestine
Improving the health and wellbeing of women and children in Palestine is a national priority as well as a priority for the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Palestinian National Institute of Public Health (PNIPH). Monitoring global progress in reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health requires the availability of accurate and timely data for decision making. Previous assessments showed that there was limited data available that could be used to improve the quality of services and inform national policies. To address these gaps, PNIPH, in collaboration with the Palestinian Ministry of Health (MoH), the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, and Oslo University, developed an electronic registry of maternal and child health (MCH) data.

August 2019: Palestinian Human Resources for Health Observatory highlighted by WHO's EMRO Office
The Palestinian Human Resources for Health Observatory was highlighted by the WHO's Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office. The observatory report, published in July, received attention at the regional level due to its high importance and direct impact on the health workforce strategies and policies, and therefore, the quality of healthcare in Palestine.
The Observatory will function as a hub for data collection and analysis, enable the dissemination of national indicators on human resources for health, and serve as a coordination platform for health providers and policy-makers.

August 2019: Producing evidence to advance
mammography screening in Palestine
Among women, breast cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer and the leading cause of death in Palestine. According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health (MoH), in 2018, 432 cases of breast cancer were reported, making up 27.6% of total cancer cases among females.
PNIPH conducted a study of data from mammography registry records in 12 districts in Palestine to examine cancer detection rates, false-positive rates, challenges faced by health workers conducting mammographies, timeliness of responses to patients, and the quality and completeness of cancer records. Based on this study, the MoH is developing guidelines to improve mammography screening and referral procedures.

July 2019: Data helps improve quality of
health care and influence policy in Palestine
As a major initial step towards enhancing the health workforce in Palestine, the Palestinian National Institute of Public Health (PNIPH), in collaboration with the WHO, Palestinian Ministry of Health (MoH), and Norwegian partner organizations, developed the Palestinian National Human Resources for Health Observatory (HRHO).
The HRHO is a web-based application that functions as a data hub, facilitating the collection and analysis of information on practicing health workers in all sectors. This data will help guide research on health workforce issues, develop national indicators, monitor progress over time, and advocate for evidence-based policies in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

March 2019: Every Newborn Counts
Despite financial limitations and challenges resulting from the Israeli occupation, neonatal mortality in Palestine has dropped from 22 to 10.8 deaths per 1,000 births between 1991 and 2016. When compared to neighboring countries, however, the number of neonatal deaths in Palestine is still high. For example, the 2016 neonatal mortality rate in Lebanon was 5 per 1,000, and 6.2 per 1,000 in Turkey (World Bank 2016).
PNIPH conducted a study to assess health services at all neonatal and delivery hospitals in the West Bank and Gaza, and reviewed guidelines for neonatal referrals. Based on these initiatives, PNIPH was able to provide the MoH with informed recommendations to improve the quality of neonatal care as well as the effectiveness of the referral process.
PNIPH was mentioned as a success story by
Dr. Ahmed Al Mandhari, WHO Regional Director EMRO visit
Dr. Ahmed Al Mandhari, WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean, visited yesterday the Palestinian Prime Minister Office, Ministry of Health, and PNIPH; laying particular stress on PNIPH's role in improving public health in Palestine through its information-for-action approach and evidence-based policy recommendations.